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Здесь много статей по когнитивным технологиям
The Cognitive Science Network (CSN, at http://www.ssrn.com/csn/index.html), a branch of the Social Science Research Network (SSRN, at http://ssrn.com/),invites researchers to post working papers, papers in preparation, published
papers, and abstracts of papers, conference presentations, and other
scholarly contributions. SSRN was ranked number one in the CISC Open Access Repository Ranking in 2009 and has won several such awards since then. In its 16th year of operation, SSRN has delivered over 37.4 million downloads to date and grown to 371,800 documents and 175,602 authors. Its CiteReader technology, developed with ITX Corp, has captured over 6 million references, 5.7 million footnotes, and close to 3.9 million citation links.
Several disciplinary organizations have established a principal affiliation with SSRN. Most recently, the American Political Science Association, with 35,000 members, has selected SSRN as the repository for presentations delivered at its annual meetings. The APSA is additionally posting its library of papers from past meetings to SSRN. SSRN presently hosts large meetings in finance and law, including the annual Conference on Empirical Legal Studies (with about 400 participants). SSRN never takes copyright.
Registration is free. The network provides individual authors with
dedicated pages for their work, free. It is always free to upload papers to CSN, to search for papers, and to download papers uploaded by authors.
Authors may publish their work elsewhere as they prefer and may remove their papers at any time. Submissions are accepted in any language if the author provides a translation into English of the title and abstract. CSN now allows viewers to post comments on material they find on CSN. CSN has been conceived as a service directed by cognitive scientists to provide rapid dissemination of research in cognitive science and a stable, searchable
repository of research papers.
SSRN – Cognitive Science Network
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