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Извлекая знания из хаоса информации - статья из PC WEEK Изучая публикации, посвященные обработке документов, легко заметить, что популярный два-три года назад термин "управление знаниями" (knowledge management, KM) сегодня встречается гораздо реже. ThoughtTreasure - Самый крутой сайт - с отличным описанием и исходниками ThoughtTreasure is a commonsense knowledge base and architecture for natural language processing that uses multiple representations including logic, finite automata, grids, and scripts. The ThoughtTreasure knowledge base consists of: 35,000 English words and phrases, 21,000 French words and phrases, 27,000 concepts, and 51,000 commonsense assertions about those concepts. The ThoughtTreasure architecture consists of: a text agency for tagging words, phrases, and named entities in text, a syntactic component for producing syntactic parse trees, a semantic component for producing surface-level semantic parses and resolving anaphora, a generator for converting assertions into English and French, a planning agency for achieving goals in a simulated world, and an understanding agency for producing an in-depth understanding of a text. Some pieces of common sense in ThoughtTreasure include: Soda is a drink. People have necks. Excellent food is called quality food. A play lasts about two hours. One hangs up at the end of a phone call. Applications of ThoughtTreasure include question answering, commonsense-enabled agents, and story understanding. See the list of applications and research that use ThoughtTreasure. To learn more Speech acts - agents - semiotics "In general, communication is the intentional exchange of information brought about by the production and perception of signs drawn from a shared system of conventional signs." |